2 min read
10 Oct

The residents of West Nile and the neighboring boarder districts of Uganda are urged to remain vigilant on the  circulation of the current killer cough Syrups in the Open Market. The said four Cough Syrups enlisted by World Health Organization are said to have been responsible for the death of 66 people in Gambia. the medical product alert issued by WHO Wednesday, the four products are Promethazine Oral Solution, Kofexmalin Baby Cough Syrup, Makoff Baby Cough Syrup and Magrip N Cold Syrup. 

However, The National Drug Authority (NDA) of Uganda has said the cough syrups, which have been linked to the death of 66 children in Gambia, are not being used in Uganda. The NDA spoke person also goes ahead to warn the public from buying such mentioned syrups and calls upon more vigilant on the Ugandans who leave in the Boarder districts of Uganda since porous boader points might easily sneak such drugs into the country.

NDA therefore appealed to the public to remain vigilant and report any suspected substandard and falsified medical products to NDA.  “NDA provides assurance to the public that the affected products are not available on the Ugandan market. NDA has never approved nor authorised sale of any products from Maiden Pharmaceuticals Limited (Haryana, India),” the statement NDA sent to Daily Monitor reads.

The affected syrups, which are manufactured by Maiden Pharmaceuticals Limited (Haryana, India), include; Promethazine Oral Solution, Kofexmalin Baby Cough Syrup, Makoff Baby Cough Syrup and Magrip NCold Syrup. According to the WHO, laboratory analysis of each of these products confirmed the presence of unacceptable amounts of Diethylene Glycol and Ethylene Glycol as contaminants which are toxic to humans when consumed and can be fatal. 

NDA said to ensure access to safe, efficacious and quality medicines, they have quality assurance measures that include inspections of pharmaceutical manufacturers for compliance to good manufacturing practices, and review and approval of medicine dossiers before granting market authorization. The agency said they also verify drug consignments for importation and inspect drug consignments at ports of entry. “Inspection and licensing of pharmacies and drug shops through the regional offices and Testing of medicines and medical devices in NDA WHO accredited and 1SO 17025 certified laboratory at Mulago,” the statement reads. 

NDA added: “After granting market authorization, NDA further undertakes post-market surveillance that includes risk-based sampling and testing of medicines on the market; investigate drug-related complaints and also address any adverse drug reaction events regarding medicines through Pharmacovigilance.” Last Wednesday, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a global alert over the four cough syrups - warning they could be linked to acute kidney injuries and the children’s deaths in July, August and September.

What you need to know:

Police in The Gambia are investigating the deaths of 66 children, which have been linked to four brands of imported Indian cough syrup. Senior officials from the Medicine Control Agency and the importers have been called for questioning, the president’s office said. 

According to the medical product alert issued by WHO Wednesday, the four products are Promethazine Oral Solution, Kofexmalin Baby Cough Syrup, Makoff Baby Cough Syrup and Magrip N Cold Syrup. The Gambia's health ministry asked hospitals last month to stop using a syrup paracetamol, pending the outcome of an investigation, after at least 28 children died of kidney failure. 

For starters, West Nile as a boarder district bordering, South Sudan and Democratic Republic Of Congo is prone to infiltration of elicit and unauthorized goods. West Nile is still recovering from the shocking news of how the deadly City Five gin had infiltrated the market without the authority approval 

STORY BY: MAHJUB SHABAN - Dailywestnile.info
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