3 min read
26 Jun

The Local Leadership LABS Project Consultation Meeting held in Arua City at Royal Crane Resort as of Arua shines a ray of hope for West Nile Region. The co creation design based project inception meeting that took place in Arua city at Royal Crane Resort Hotel bringing together a diverse array of stakeholders including district and city leaders, civil society organizations (CSOs), and representatives from various districts across the West Nile Region. 

The event, organized by CAPAIDS Uganda & CIVCUS Global Alliance, marked a significant step towards addressing local challenges and fostering community-driven development in the region.

Mrs. Emily Drijaru, a representative of West Nile Civil Society network - WECISNET, set the tone for the meeting with a heartfelt welcome and a call for objective discussions. 

"As we are here, we should be able to discuss objectively what are the effects in West Nile Region in terms of locally made responses," she stated. "Let us be objective in our discussions to ensure that we give candid responses so that we come up with strategies that can enhance the local development."

Mr. Emilly Drijiru Speaking

Mrs. Emily Drijaru, a representative of West Nile Civil Society network - WECISNET Speaking

The consultation featured in-depth group discussions on critical issues such as the Grand Bargain, the Charter for Change, and the Localization Agenda. Guided by Mr. Hophin from the RETE team Uganda, participants explored the key concepts and later presented their insights. With key discussions aimed to deepen the understanding of these frameworks and their relevance to local development efforts.

Mr. Raymond presented the Brave Village initiative and the core Locally Led Leadership (LLL) Project. Emphasizing community-driven solutions and holistic systems change, he outlined the project's mission to empower Government, civic, NGO and CBO networks and foster resilience against political & social economic challenges.

This initiative gives a safe platform for the voices of CBOs networks, District Local Government, NGO’s, communities, and organization's defending civil liberties and human rights to be aired out

"Our mission is to create a new paradigm for sustainable, locally designed, and locally led development," he explained.

Mr. Raymond, Program Manager - CAPAID Uganda

A comprehensive co creation based session led by the lead consultant and research assistant focused on the current situation of local institutions and Key challenges identification, the participants included; 

  • limited capacity to attract and manage funding, 
  • delays in fund disbursement, 
  • insufficient support for operational costs, and 
  • unhealthy competition among CBOs.

Opportunities such as support from district local governments, existing networks, and a stable political environment were also highlighted.

During the co creation based sessions, the three regional groups provided summaries of their discussions, identifying key emerging issues and proposing strategic actions: 

Greater Nebbi & Madi Okollo: 

  • Legal compliance issues, 
  • low support for overhead costs, and 
  • Exploitation by lead partners. 
  • Advocacy for the localization agenda and opportunities for consortium projects.

Participants in a group co creation Process, design 

Arua District and Arua City: 

Shrinking civic space, disadvantageous legislative changes, and misconceptions around the localization agenda. Mindset change initiatives and civic education barazas. Maracha, Terego, Koboko, Obongi: Compliance issues, delays in MoUs, and international politics affecting donor relationships. Partnerships, capacity building, and diversified funding sources. 

Key Asks to the Donor Community 

Each group articulated their key asks to the donor community, emphasizing the need for;

Increased overhead costs, 

co-creation in project design, and 

more flexible funding policies. 

They also called for transparency, multi-year funding, and a dignified relationship between donors and local partners. 

Participants in a group Photo

The Local Leadership LABS Project Consultation Meeting in Arua City underscored the importance of community-driven development and the need for strategic partnerships and capacity building. 

By addressing local challenges and leveraging opportunities, the West Nile Region is poised to make significant strides towards achieving sustainable development goals and improving the quality of life for its communities.

BY: Aldo ADOMATI - dailywestnile.info 
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