3 min read
19 Dec


“Get a half pay bursary for basic computer training at host hub innovation center – Arua City”IntroductionThis is a half pay bursary Computer training opportunity for you. 

Host Hub calls applications from young people who are interested to learn basic computer. As we live in a modern World where the use of technology is required almost everywhere and in every work, we understand that the knowledge of computer is applicable in our daily activities and the target are the youths in need of empowerment with modern-technological and entrepreneurship skills to help them in their education, careers and enable them create their own self-employed jobs. 

As part of our efforts to foster innovation in West Nile, we are offering a half pay bursary scheme under the ICT4All project at our innovation home – Host Hub located on Plot 19, Near Anyafio Primary School (Opposite Former Anyafio Role Model Gate) off Anyafio Crescent on Awudele Avenue, Gaspero Odaa Road. You can as well call on the telephone numbers below to get location: +256782721460, +256783753236.


The half Bursary is valued at 50% cost sharing where the whole training is valued at 180,000Ugx however the applicant will be expected to pay half the price at only 90,000Ugx as Host Hub together with its partners shall fund the remaining half of the total coast.

Training description

This training is intended to bring both students (Vacciests) and working class who want to have computer knowledge. 

The training will focus on introducing the trainees the importance, knowledge and application of computer knowledge and technology. 

It will also help students who completed Primary Seven, senior four, six and those at University level who didn’t get a chance to do computer course. 

After the training, you will smile because of the knowledge, motivation and inspiration you will acquire. We also intend to have second tier trainings on Video Production, Graphics, Audio Production, Website design, development, hosting and management, Digital Security, coding, networking, web-based application among others for those intending to pursue professional career paths 


  • To equip one with knowledge and understanding of the machine called computer 
  • To equip one with knowledge and understanding as to why technology is important in today’s life
  • You will learn how 
  • To operate a computer 
  • You will learn typing skills 
  • You will do some arithmetic calculations
  • You will fully walk away with computer knowledge
  • You will likely get a job with other companies, NGOs, or businesses
  • Have hands on skills 


  • Introduction to Computer
  • Office Word/Word Processing Office 
  • Excel  
  • Power Point 
  • Office Outlook
  • Publisher
  • Internet
  • Typing and Printing

Extra Packages (Pro Package)

  • Digital Security
  • Video Production 
  • Audio Production
  • Graphics Design
  • Photography 
  • Website design, development, hosting and management
  • coding networking 
  • web-based application among others 

Teaching Manual

  • The training will have theory concept teaching using a projector
  • There will be handouts for the students to read 
  • There will be practicals

Application Process

The application process is done by collecting a form at the office and fills it with required details and the applicant comes for full registration. You can pick applications at the Host Hub located on Plot 19, Near Anyafio Primary School (Opposite Former Anyafio Role Model Gate) off Anyafio Crecent on Awudele Avenue, Gaspero Odaa Road. You can as well call on the telephone numbers below to get location: +256782721460, +256783753236.

Applications are also available at Arua Secondary School off Rhino Camp Road – near Arua Primary or call on the number, +256783753236.

You can also apply online through the link below; https://forms.gle/9qPXBDpcNFsYXmLPA

Period of training

This training is both on working days and weekends, students and working class are likely to choose weekend trainings in order to balance with their work and studies. 

This training is for a period 1 month full training

Application datelines

Registration starts on date 12th Dec 2022 to 8th Jan 2023Training starts on date 9th Jan 2023 to 9th Feb 2022.

Training days

Working days and weekends


Email: hosthubug@gmail.com 

Location: Plot 19, next Anyafio Primary School


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