1 min read
19 Nov

The Deputy Speaker of Parliament of Uganda, Thomas Tayebwa is set to come to Arua city to preside over the launch of  skill development project that the area Member of Parliament of Arua Central Division, Jackson Atimalee Butti   is planning to establish for the youth and women of the area to reduce the rate of unemployment in the area.   

While addressing Journalists on Tuesday 15th/11/2022/in Arua town the area Member of Parliament for Arua central division , Jackson Atimalee Butti explained that his plan is to establish a development center in the city that shall enable the women and youth to acquire skills. 

The Development Center  which will comprise of tailoring, Hair dressing, Driving among others that will make  youth and women to  earn their living  hence  reduce the high rate of employment in the area that is contributing to the high rate of criminality in the place.

Hon. Atima Lee Buti Jackson - MP Speaking


The Deputy Speaker of Arua Central Division, Victor Vidal Lomori appreciated the area Member of Parliament of Arua Ccentral Hon Jackson Atimalee Buttee for the choice of project, that he described as unique one.,


Its now confirmed that the Deputy Speaker of parliament of Uganda, Thomas Tayebwa will be expected to come to Arua on 09th/December/2022 and preside over the event as the chief Guest in OPM grounds next total near Arua hill main round about. 

The speaker of Arua Central Rashul Osugga says that the project shall help them as the council to reduce the running battle they are having with the escalating street vending in the city.


In 2015 youth entrepreneurship through enterprises and skills development [YES] project baseline study established that 71 percent of young people in the sub region lived in extreme poverty. The youth poverty is in part fueled by high unemployment rates in the region estimated at 31 percent. This has resulted in many youth depending on their poor parents for daily survivals as well as the rise of illicit trade in fuel, drugs and gambling

STORY BY: ANWANGKANI FRANCO - Dailywestnile.info
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