2 min read
10 Nov

In an effort to foster a cleaner and greener environment, Arua City Teachers Corporate, comprising both private and public primary schools in Arua City, launched the "Keep Arua City Campaign" on Friday, November 10, 2023, at the Mayor's Garden in Arua City. The initiative aims to promote environmental consciousness and engage the community in maintaining a healthy and aesthetically pleasing cityscape. The launch event witnessed enthusiastic participation from teachers representing various schools, coming together for a common cause. 

The activities included tree planting, street sweeping, and the collection of littered bottles and polythene bags. These efforts, as announced, will become regular occurrences, taking place every month starting from the coming year. 

Members of Arua City Teachers Corporate

Etoma Geoffrey, the head teacher of Springs Nursery and Primary School and the team captain for Arua City Teachers Corporate, expressed the vision behind the campaign, stating,

 "We want to see a green Arua. Our collective efforts can make a significant impact on the environment, and by incorporating these activities into our routine, we hope to inspire a positive change in the community." 


Candia Ronald, the education officer for Arua Central Division, emphasized the connection between a clean environment and public health. He stated, 

"The teachers demonstrate to show that everyone's health matters. A clean and green city is not just aesthetically pleasing, but it also directly contributes to the well-being of its residents." 


Raymond Ombere, the principal city education officer for Arua City, shared insights into the significance of the campaign, saying, 

"This initiative is a crucial step toward creating awareness about the importance of environmental stewardship. By involving teachers and schools, we are nurturing a sense of responsibility and environmental consciousness among the younger generation." 


Deputy Mayor of Arua City, Inzikuru Milly Milicent, also expressed her support for the campaign, urging the public to actively participate in keeping the city clean. She highlighted the role of collective responsibility in maintaining a healthy and vibrant community. 


As Arua City Teachers Corporate launches the "Keep Arua City Campaign,"The hope is that this initiative will not only contribute to a cleaner and greener Arua but will also serve as an inspiring example for other communities to take proactive steps in environmental conservation.

The commitment of teachers, education officers, and city officials reflects a unified effort to create a sustainable and eco-friendly future for Arua City. This campaign comes at a time when the city is struggling with the issue of poor garbage deposal management.

BY: Matata Benzamin, Dailywestnile.info
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