1 min read
16 May

Club Members addressing the press on Wednesday

Since 2009, the last time West Nile Golf Club host a national golf tournament, the club is again set to host another big tournament dubbed 'Uganda Open Tour'. 

The tournament that is scheduled for Saturday 18th May, 2019 is organised by Uganda Golf Union, together with Uganda Tourism Board, aimed at promoting the tourism site in the country. 

Currently the club is preparing the golf course and other facilities as part of preparation to host the game.

On Wednesday, Executive Members of the club held a press conference about the level of preparation ahead of the game.

During the press conference, Club Chairperson Jimmy Matata confirmed that the last time this club held a tournament was in 2009 when MTN organised the game. 

Club Captain, Emmy Arima said, the are expecting to host over 90 participants, coming across the country. All the participants will be taken for tour at the tourism sites in the region; this will be in 2 shifts (morning and evening by Uganda Tourism Board).

Club Members and Journalist in the press conference

The golf game in West Nile region is mainly dominated by male players. There are only 3 female golfer, and only one living Arua while 2 are basing in Kampala.

Patricia Nakaya, the only female golfer in Arua is encouraging other girls to get involved in the game. She says, the club would have more points if more girls come on board.

While sharing his experience with Journalists during the press conference, Etoma Van Grogrey, a golf player said given the advise from star players, he is confident that the Saturday tournament is a success for his club - West Nile Golf Club.


West Nile Golf Club that recently won the 'Uganda Open Tour' in Mbale  has close to 25 registered members including 3 ladies.

The Saturday tournament will see 12 golf clubs accross the country participating in the game organised wih the purpose of knowing about r country - Uganda.

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