2 min read
13 Jul

In a bid to address the neglect of the boy child and combat the increasing rates of crime among boys, the Rotary Club of Arua has embarked on a transformative project. The project, launched on Wednesday at the Arua Remand Home, aims to uplift boys through educational support. 

The Rotary Club, in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Davis Sunrise in California, USA, has already taken significant steps to improve literacy and academic performance by providing essential resources to Orugbo Primary School in Arua City.


During the launch of the project, President Ann Hope Anguyo emphasized the alarming neglect of the boy child, which has led to the rise in delinquency within our societies. Recognizing the urgent need for intervention, the Rotary Club of Arua has taken the initiative to support boys in education and empower them for a brighter future.

Rotary Of Arua, President Ann Hope Anguyo 


The Rotary Club of Arua has begun its efforts by sponsoring the education of 20 boys at Orugbo Primary School. By covering their school fees, the club hopes to alleviate the financial burden on these students' families and provide them with the necessary resources to excel academically.

To further enhance educational opportunities, the Rotary Club of Arua, in partnership with the Rotary Club of Davis Sunrise, has generously donated assorted textbooks and teacher's guides worth 1,700,000/= to Orugbo Primary School. This significant contribution aims to improve literacy levels and enhance overall performance among the students.


Recognizing the importance of vocational skills, the Rotary Club of Arua has also donated two sewing machines to the Arua Remand Home. These machines will enable juvenile inmates to acquire valuable hand skills, providing them with potential avenues for self-sufficiency and personal growth.

Edward Kakembo Nsubuga, the District Governor of District 9213, encouraged the boys to remain focused and determined in their pursuits. He emphasized the importance of nurturing their potential to become better leaders in the future, shaping a positive path for themselves and their communities.


The Second Deputy Head Teacher of Orugbo Primary School, Alex Abaasiku, expressed heartfelt gratitude to the Rotary Club Arua for their invaluable support. The educational resources provided will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the academic development of the boys.


Natal Adomati, a pupil at Orugbo Primary School, expressed his appreciation to the Rotary Club for recognizing the needs of the boy child. He voiced his disappointment in other organizations that have neglected this vital segment of the population.


As of the latest count, the Arua Remand Home recorded 101 boys in its population, highlighting the pressing need for projects like the one launched by the Rotary Club Arua. By investing in the education and empowerment of boys, the club envisions a future where they become productive, responsible, and influential members of society.


The Rotary Club of Arua has taken a commendable step in addressing the neglect of the boy child by launching an uplifting project focused on education. Through their efforts, they aim to equip boys with the necessary tools to succeed academically and become future leaders. 

The collaboration between the Rotary Club of Arua and the Rotary Club of Davis Sunrise signifies the power of global partnerships to make a difference at the grassroots level. With continued support and dedication, this project has the potential to transform the lives of countless boys, fostering a more inclusive and prosperous society.

BY: ANWANGKANI FRANCO - Dailywestnile.info 
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