3 min read

It's work in progress at the Arua Main Round-about Monument construction site - the Second tallest Monument to be in Sub Saharan Africa once completed (In the next coming three months). Development Infrastructure (DI) the company behind this huge multimillion projects in an exclusive interview to Dailywestnile.info reveals that the work is expected to be done within 3 months. 

At the moment, the progress rate is indicated to be at 40% with 3 out of 7 floors being complete. This is based on the current state of 24 meters raised beam structures putting the monument halfway to the 40 meter height.

Previously, construction works had stalled for months, however according to the CEO of Development Infrastructure - Mr. Sunday Etrima Oliseh; The Company had stopped works so as to match the two projects as DI wanted to first take Arua Hill Stadium project to a certain phase level so as to match the two major projects at the same heights added Mr. Sunday Oliseh. 

CEO DI - Mr. Sunday Oliseh


The Arua Main Round about monument once completed shall be the second tallest Monument in Sub Saharan Africa (40 meters tall) after the African Renaissance Monument in Dakar - Ghana which is 49 meters tall into the sky. The architectural designs had put into consideration two components of the Monument looking at the modern history and cultural heritage of west Nile Region as a unique region. 

Key to note is also that the monument is expected to be one of the tourism destination in Uganda based on how its been designed by the architectural engineers where at the entrance, the Monument shall have a café or restaurant with a coffee shop and top after the building (First flour) that is at the 20 meter height shall be fitted magnificent, multiple and large Modern LCD advert billboards (currently been procured already from China) facing the four sides of the Arua main Round about roads. 

Unique to the 20 meter height second floor shall be a cultural and craft shop were the visitors can be able to have and shop local made crafts from West Nile. This craft shop shall be stocked with artworks reflecting the cultural heritage of the various tribes of West Nile Region. 

The Third floor at 30 meters height shall house a Museum which shall be a museum housing true heritage of West Nile's historical, cultural, religious artifacts. Key to this museum shall be a section for the prominent people of the region such as President Iddi Amin Dada.   The museum shall also have staff that shall be able to offer guide to the tourists visiting the monument.

DI Workers Putting Up Scaffolds

The 40 meter height shall be the tallest point of the the monument and unique to this floor shall be the viewing point to which a standard binnacles shall be fitted. This binnacle shall allow the tourists and visitors to have the best viewing of Arua city as well as the furthest points of the West Nile Region from top of the monument. According to the DI designs, the sourced binnacle system shall be capable of viewing the boarder points neighboring countries such as Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan boarders as well as giving the viewer a chance to view The Nile river flow from some points. 

Above the 40 meters at the tallest point also shall be a special feature made out of special lights fitted at top to project a spectrum of light rays with beautiful display scene at night. History to the ray of light is the uniting story of The region - West Nile been told in an Architectural way were the various lights represent the 8 tribes of West Nile that are united and welcoming to visitors. West Nile Region has the uniqueness of unity in diversity. 

The Arua City Main Round about monument is one of the stone soup project models of the Development Infrastructure's on going projects in the region. According to Mr. Sunday Etrima Oliseh, DI has a mega plan of launching the monument with a special unveiling event since it's one of their unique projects in Sub Saharan Africa n and middle East. Currently in Arua, the works of DI are visible through the current modern Arua Main market project, the USMID roads among other upcoming projects such as the Arua Hill business park and stadium. 

What's your take on this upcoming tallest monument hailing from the pearl of Africa, Uganda and Arua city. 

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