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The territorial police of Ayivu West Division in Arua City have opened investigations into a case of murder of a woman allegedly linked to human sacrifice by her own husband in DR Congo on 24th October 2023.

It so happened that on 14th November 2023, chaos erupted between the family of one Sharon Enzaru and that of her husband Adedri Isaac Ogui, on information that Sharon was killed from  DR Congo allegedly by her husband and the group and the body buried there. Ayivu West Division Police intervened to stop the chaos, and a resolution was made to confirm if the information received was correct.
On 17th November 2023, at around 5:12pm in the evening, one of the relatives of the deceased Sharon went to police station with photographs of a dead person whom he identified as his missing sister Sharon Enzaru, he also handed over exhibit of his late sister's cloth which was on her body in the photograph taken in DR Congo. The reporter correctly identified the clothes to be for his sister. 

However the husband did not report the disappearence of his wife from his home to any authority, even after police guiding him to open disappearence.Police started inquiries into the allegations leading to the chaos in Kasua Cell, and summoned the husband of the deceased to give in his statement on 18th November 2023, and he couldn't be detained since there was no formal complain of murder against him at the beginning.

As police inquiries continued, statements were recorded from some witnesses and relatives of the deceased woman. The relatives alleged that their brother in-law Adedri Isaac Ogui is known for luring unsuspecting women to DR Congo and then harm them from there, and then runs to hide in DR Congo until when the situation cools down. They alleged that he did a similar action to his first woman who hails from the same area but escaped to Congo till when the situation cooled down.

Against that background, they suspected that their brother in-law could have lured the deceased wife Sharon Enzaru, who was heavily pregnant expecting a baby, to DR Congo, from where she was murdered on 24th October 2023. It was alleged that some of her body organs were removed and taken away, and the unborn baby was removed from her womb tied on her side and buried together in the bush, in Yuku village, Aruu territory, Ituri province in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Upon getting this circumstantial evidence, effort to call and arrest the suspect failed as the suspect and his family members took off from their home in Kasua cell to unknown place, and are still being traced.With the help of office of RCC, Cross border Liason Officers, Migration officials in both Uganda and DR Congo sides, the body of the deceased woman was successfully repatriated to their home in Uganda from Dr Congo in the night of 06th December 2023 around midnight.
In the morning of 07th December 2023 at around 10am, postmortem was done to the body by the Regional Police Surgeon West Nile, at the home of the deceased in Kasua cell.

Postmortem results indicate that two kidneys and half of the uterus were removed and taken away, the baby's body was removed and tied to that of the mother. Relatives later took the bodies for burial. It's suspected that this could be a group action, all the Suspects named are on the run and are still being traced by Police of both Uganda and DR Congo where the crime occured. Investigations still continue under Ayivu West Division CRB 203/2023.

We urge members of the affected community to remain calm not to take law into their hands, but to share information widely on the where about of the suspects, main one being Adedri Isaac alias Ogui, so as to arrest them to face the law. We encourage the general public to report similar crimes which could be cropping up in the communities to police for proper management so as to eliminate the vice out of the communities.


BY Alinda Moses Dailywestnile.info 
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